Kenya Volunteer Projects

In Kenya, we have 7 volunteering and cultural immersion projects available. You can choose your own project, and combine different projects and create your own tailor-made unique program. Volunteering in Kenya is an incredible experience that can teach you a lot about the country and its culture. You can get a firsthand look at life in Kenya. Volunteers are given the opportunity to experience the local culture and traditions.

You can start every Monday, and you can join from 2 weeks up to 8 weeks.

On the Monday of your first week, there is an orientation by our local team, so you can get comfortable with the surroundings as well as the local culture.

Location: Kenya
Start Dates: Start every Monday
Duration: 2 weeks – 8 weeks

EN 50 euro discount
volunteer Kenya

Unique Cultural Experiences

Sustainable Worthwhile Projects

Receive Top Quality Support

Meet International Volunteers


Your airport pickup is included. You will be met upon arrival on Sunday. You will be picked up by the local team at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO) and transferred to your accommodation to meet the other international volunteers. We will provide you with full arrival time, plus all details, including contact details when you book your program. Do not book your flight until you have received the arrival details from us.


On the Monday of your first week, there is an orientation by your coordinator, so you can get comfortable with the surroundings as well as the local culture.

Accommodation & Meals

Your accommodation is included from Sunday until Saturday morning of your last week. The accommodation is in shared rooms with other volunteers. Throughout the journey, you will be accommodated in single-gender dorm-style rooms. The rooms will be shared with other volunteers. You will stay in a volunteer house together with the other participants.

Your meals are included during your program. There are 3 meals included per day from Monday to Friday, and 2 meals per day on weekends.


The projects are in Nakuru County in Kenya. The town is located between Naivasha and Nakuru and along the Nairobi – Nakuru highway about 3 hours from the capital.

Nakuru County is located in the former Rift Valley Province of Kenya, about 90km from Nairobi, Nakuru is an agriculturally-rich county blessed with various tourist attractions such as craters and lakes

Nakuru County is home to Lake Nakuru, Lake Elmenteita and Lake Naivasha, which are some of the Rift Valley soda lakes. Lake Nakuru is best known for its thousands, sometimes millions of flamingoes nesting along the shores. The surface of the shallow lake is often hardly recognisable due to the continually shifting mass of pink. The number of flamingos on the lake varies with water and food conditions and the best vantage point is from Baboon Cliff. Also of interest, an area of 188 km around the lake fenced off as a sanctuary to protect Rothschild giraffe and black rhinos.

The Projects in Kenya

Teaching Project

Kenya teach Participant and students at break time

Assist local teachers by sharing your knowledge of English and more with students in rural Kenya. Get to know them and broaden your horizons together!

Students and teachers would greatly appreciate your input and assistance, as an enhancement to their already robust curriculum. As you learn from being immersed into the school, community, and culture, those same students, who might not otherwise be exposed to a more global experience, join you in this opportunity for mutual learning.

Local children in Kenya, especially those in rural areas, rarely have the chance to meet and interact with foreigners. Most do not even get the chance to practice English outside of the school setting, despite the language being one of the official languages of Kenya. Even interacting and speaking the language properly with them may benefit their learning and increase their confidence in the language.

You will be placed in a local school in the community. Your specific placement will depend upon the community’s needs, availability at that time, and whenever possible, your preferences.

Keep in mind that you may be put in charge of portions of the lesson planning for the class where you will assist the teacher. This may be done in an informal way which may also allow you the freedom to get creative!

The favorite activities amongst the youngest students include sports, games, gardening, and singing.

The aim is to assist local students and staff with English and other subjects through tasks that allow practice and creativity. You are welcome to provide new ideas that promote an exchange of cultures and conversations between you, fellow participants, staff, and students.

If you have items or photos from home that can help you to share unique facts or traditions, that could be a great lesson to offer.

Please note that during long holiday periods when schools are on break, a “day camp” style English and Sports program may be put in place for local children and it will be run by participants with the help of our coordinators.

This project is for minimum 2 weeks.


Monday to Friday
You will spend 3-5 hours assisting school staff with lessons and activities. Once back at
the accommodation, you will have time to prepare your lessons for the next day. The
the day could look like this:
• Breakfast
• Assist at local school
• Lunch
• Assist at local school
• Preparing lesson plan
• Dinner

* The schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions, and unforeseen circumstances. Also during holidays, the schedule can be interrupted.

Childcare Project

Kenya childcare Group photo of students and participants

Join a Childcare Placement program where you will work with the daycare and preschool kids aged between 6 months till 6 years old. You will either be
in a government daycare or a charity-run daycare in rural Kenya. This placement is about cultural interchange, helping the children to grow up happy, inquisitive, creative, and unique.

The program consists of working with students aged between 6 months and 6 years depending on the placement, teaching, and playing in English. These students are rooted in marginalized areas and rarely get a chance to speak English outside the school environment. You can choose to be with the younger or older if you wish or to work with all ages.

Participants will be working alongside local staff but will be free to bring their own ideas into class.

It is important to understand that the methods of teaching and interacting are less important than the attitude of the participant toward the children.

Activities will change in line with the school year, considering environmental issues or current festivals. During holiday periods there are special events and programs to keep the children entertained and engaged.

The childcare program serves a dual purpose; of course, it is meant to help children to have fun and to learn English in their mother tongue or very fluently speaker, but it also benefits you, giving you an insight into childcare and the Kenyan education system as well as an excellent opportunity to form bonds with students, teachers and even parents, and so take a full role in the community.

This project is for minimum 2 weeks.


Monday to Friday
You will spend 4-6 hours assisting school staff with lessons and activities. Once back at
the accommodation, you will have time to prepare your lessons for the next day. The
the day could look like this:
• Breakfast
• Assist at local kindergarten/daycare
• Lunch
• Assist at local kindergarten/daycare
• Preparing lesson plan
• Dinner

* The schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions, and unforeseen circumstances. Also during holidays, the schedule can be interrupted.

Environment & Climate Change Project

Kenya climate Cover

Assist the local community with their efforts to proactively address challenges related to preserving the natural environment for fauna, flora and people!

Join a local initiative with reforestation efforts to share your energy to get the word out in the community about the positive change that is possible and much needed to ensure a better tomorrow. Climate change will affect everyone globally, so the efforts put in here advance the cause for now and the future.

This program lets us come closer to the culture and people of Sri Lanka while this is your opportunity to help the needy with your time, attention, love and care.

Even though most of us have been passive in the past, what we have come to know is that now is the time to take action. We must take care and treat the health of our natural environment like the gift that it is. We must maintain it properly, so that it will continue to be a benefit for generations to come.

This program relies on our partnerships with community members who are taking ownership of their land and their future. Their local initiative focuses on Restoration, Transformation, Sustainability and Preservation of the environment to combat the current practices which have caused climate change in the form of global warming.

These efforts matter most because they are community owned and community driven with the purpose of environmental restoration, economic benefits and environmental sustainability.

This project is for minimum 2 weeks.

Activities may include:

• To take a holistic approach to climate adaptation strategies for the residents
• To restore forest vegetation in settlements and farmlands lost in the last 45 years due to wanton and unchecked tree exploitation of trees for use as timber, charcoal and firewood.
• To recreate the Forest like ecosystem and reclaim lost benefits that come with an ecologically friendly environment.• Preparing of tree seedlings and learning how to maintain a tree nursery
• Actual tree planting (will involve digging of the holes where the seedlings will be planted)
• Community education on the importance of reforestation
• Creating a green wall where we reuse plastics to decorate walls and also have vertical vegetable gardens in various institutions


Monday to Friday
You will spend 4-6 hours daily assisting with the goals of the local initiative’s goals. The day could look like:
• Breakfast
• Reforestation efforts
• Lunch
• Climate Change research and education
• Dinner

* The schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances. Also during holidays the schedule can be interrupted.

Women Empowerment Project

Kenya women Catering lessons

Assist underprivileged women in the Nakuru area becoming more independent and lead them to a brighter future. Join a local initiative that works with over 50 self-help groups run by women; engage in business skills, training, reproductive health and leadership skills.

This program is geared toward assisting women who may not have had access to basic education and may find it difficult to thrive, particularly in this age when the understanding the importance of education and an ability to manage basic technology have become fundamental aspects for survival. The ability to navigate issues such as personal development, environmental awareness, budgeting, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy also help to build a resiliency that cultivates sustainable development.

Therefore, through our program, we utilize the engagement of international participants with some groups of local women, who may never have had any kind of real-life exposure to outsiders, to help them to expand their worldview and personal perspective.

Participant immersion in the community promotes a mutually beneficial relationship with the local women where all those involved gain just as much as they give.

This is an opportunity to form relationships with someone from another background and culture and create an exchange that motivates both younger and older women to show their hidden talents and enable them to participate in developmental activities of family, society and nation.

Creative teaching methods and a positive outlook are extremely helpful and go a long way to engaging the women and breaking down the existing barriers. Participants are encouraged to use different techniques to teach topics that they are passionate about, and/or have firsthand knowledge, as long as they are relevant and assist with the goals outlined by the women being served through the program.

Since English is widely spoken here, there is a greater capacity for you to convey your knowledge with ease and use anything you have in the way of reference materials and resources more easily.

This project is for minimum 2 weeks.


Monday to Friday
You will be preparing and giving four to five lessons per week to local women’s groups through the networks provided by a local Community Based Organization (CBO). The daily routine will be anywhere from 4-6 hours and may include travel to different village sites where you will be engaging with the community women to share knowledge and even learn how they manage their day-to-day tasks.
• Breakfast
• Women Empowerment program
• Lunch
• Women Empowerment program
• Dinner

* The schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances. Also during holidays the schedule can be interrupted.

Healthcare Project

Kenya health Participant nurse interacting with the community

Enjoy a truly unique medical setting experience! Shadow and learn about health care service delivery, as you assist local staff at a rural hospital in Kenya!

Our Medical Program is aimed at participants with a medical background. Based on your level of skill and ability, you’ll be given a variety of tasks to help out in a local Kenyan medical center or hospital, serving those with limited access to affordable quality health care.

Access to quality healthcare services is a privilege to only a few in remote areas. With the hospital established by a local NGO, this program will require participants to provide further assistance to the hospital staff especially the nurses.

Moreover, some of the people in villages would not afford transport to the hospital. This creates an opportunity for participants to contribute as backpack nurses. This will involve remote access to patients who are confined in their homesteads.

The backpack nurses will be part of a challenging, enlightening and adventurous experience as it involves long distance walking. Later on they can take a dip in the pool at our accommodation to unwind.

This project is for minimum 2 weeks.


Monday to Friday
You will spend 4-6 hours assisting hospital staff and attending to patients with close supervision by qualified personnel. The day could look like:
• Breakfast
• Assist at local hospital / join backpack nurse
• Lunch
• Assist at local hospital
• Dinner.

* The schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances. Also during holidays the schedule can be interrupted.

Construction & Renovation Project

Kenya renovate Painting

Want to know what it’s like to participate in a Community Construction Project? This Community Construction program located in Nakuru, Kenya has it all. Once you arrive you will have an opportunity to collaborate with friendly locals in basic construction projects.

There are many families in rural Kenya that live under poor housing conditions and many of its local community areas and facilities such as churches, hospitals or schools still need a lot of improvement. To address this concern, this program aims at participants to help improve the living standards of these local people in need by providing support in much needed construction and renovation work by creating proper sanitation facilities, make housing safer places to live and ensure communities have greater authority over their own development initiatives.

Participants will be asked to engage in tasks ranging from light work such as cleaning the area, mixing cement and painting to harder tasks such as building up the wall (plastering) and repairing roofing. Participants will be instructed and supervised closely by our coordinator who has ample experience in construction work to make sure that all the processes are safe for them and the housing conditions are also safe for the local people to live.

This project is for minimum 2 weeks.


Monday to Friday
After breakfast, you will head off to the construction project; this will mainly be at local people’s houses and local community facilities. There you will be briefed on your tasks by our coordinator about the day’s project. Expect to do construction and renovation work at the project location for 4-5 hours per day with a lunch break in between. Lunch can be had at an appropriate facility near the project site.
• Breakfast
• Construction and Restoration efforts
• Lunch
• Construction and Restoration efforts
• Dinner

    * The schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances. Also during holidays the schedule can be interrupted.

    Wildlife Conservation

    Kenya wildlife Flamingoes

    Excited about Wildlife and being in harmony with nature? Participate in Wildlife conservation efforts at a local conservancy. This program is designed for nature and adventure enthusiasts. Involve yourself in the conservation of Giraffes, Birds, and Colobus monkeys amongst other species.

    Kenya is famously known and recognized for its wildlife which roams freely in the Savanna. Wildlife is a big part of Kenya’s economy in general, and also at grassroots levels. In most cases, there are remote communities that live within close quarters with the wildlife.

    This has over time caused human-wildlife conflicts and in most cases, wildlife has been forced out of their natural habitat for human activities to thrive. In this case, various players of goodwill have set up conservancy areas to promote a healthy co-existence between wildlife and local communities. Along with our conservationist, you will be one of the key players in running the daily activities to meet the objectives of conservation efforts.

    You will be involved in activities such as; ecological monitoring, census, tracking, collaring, amongst many other activities. You will be accompanied by a wildlife specialist during your work at the conservation site. This specialist will take you through your schedule and train you on the activities. It is important to know that there is a local community within the conservancy. Establishing meaningful interactions with the locals will help you understand their co-existence with wildlife and the impact of the conservation efforts.

    This project is for minimum 2 weeks.


    Monday to Friday
    You will spend 4-5 hours in the conservancy with the wildlife conservationist in monitoring/census/tracking the wildlife and assisting the local staff where need be. Once back at the accommodation, you will have time to prepare your activities for the next day.
    The day could look like this:
    • Breakfast
    • Conservation related activities
    • Lunch
    • Conservation related activities.
    • Preparing daily activities.
    • Dinner

    * The schedule can be changed and/or amended depending on weather conditions, local conditions and unforeseen circumstances. Also during holidays the schedule can be interrupted.


    EN 50 euro discount

    2 Weeks: 870 Euro
    3 Weeks: 1099 Euro
    4 Weeks: 1335 Euro
    +1 Week: 235 Euro

    * For the construction, environment and healthcare project there is an extra fee per week of 35 Euro
    ** For the wildlife project there is an extra fee per week of 295 Euro

    Our base prices are in Euro, but you can pay in Euro, US$ and Pounds. The prices will be at the currency exchange rate from the Euro at the time of payment. Click here to check the prices in your currency.

    With us there are NO Registration Fees, NO administration fees, and you can easily combine the different projects

    What’s included:
    Volunteer program
    Accommodation (shared room)
    24/7 in-country support
    In-country program orientation
    Pre-departure support
    Airport pick-up

    Not included:
    A 5% international banking fee is added.
    Visa, flights, travel insurance, vaccinations, criminal background check, Covid tests (if required), transport to your project and back to the accommodation every day, return trip to the airport, transfers between different locations.

    Requirements to join:
    Volunteers need to be minimum 18 years old
    Volunteers are required to provide a criminal background check
    Volunteers are required to have volunteer travel insurance
    Volunteers might need to have a Covid test done before departure (we will inform you of this)

    Book your place in 3 steps :

    1. Apply: Fill out the Application Form (click below) and we will let you know if you are accepted within 24 hours.
    2. Deposit: Once accepted you pay your deposit (200 Euro or 215 US$) to reserve you place in the program.
    3. Remaining Fees: You pay the remaining fees of your program, minus the deposit which you already paid, six weeks before your start date of your program.